Sunday, 29 November 2009

Pedestrian Culture: Walk, observe, reflect, report

Pedestrian Culture is the website of Glenn Bach, a practicing media artist based in Milwaukee, WI.

Though this site is a little outdated (the last activity seeming to be around November 2007) it provides a good resource for "place-based research and creative projects, focused primarily on the humble and revolutionary act of walking."

It's a real shame that Glenn has decided not to continue or update the project in a while, as what's there is of real interest to psychogeographers, and sound artists, however his artist website still features new updates and information concerning his personal work, which will no doubt be of interest to a lot of you.


Arizona State University presents us with their initiative to the world soundscape mapping effort. On their website users can upload sounds anywhere in the world and link them to a google maps style interface. It says it's still in early beta stages at the moment, but the presentation is clean and the accessibility is refreshing. It also features a "timeline" and "tags" section whereby users can view (listen) to entries in chronological or event-related order.

The Start

Welcome to Ambient Frequencies,

This weblog has been started with the aim and intent of compiling and engaging in resources concerned with the interests of environmental sound, phonography, psychogeography, soundwalks, ambient music, and sound-art as well as a place where I can share my output of work relating to these fields.